Rules & Regulations

We are pleased to assist you in the education of your child, however in this regard we also need your assistance and co-operation.

  • Regular attendance is absolutely necessary if a child is to make progress. Children who are irregular in attendance and weak in studies will be asked to withdraw from school and their place will be given to children who could benefit by the education given.
  • Children should be on the school premises when the bell rings. A child who comes after the bell rings is considered late for school. Children who are habitually late will be penalized.

Children should be dressed in neat and clean uniform.

  • Fee should be paid on the 1st of each month and in any case not later than 10th of the month. After the 10th, late fee of PKR. 100 will be charged up to 15th, and thereafter PKR. 200 will be charged as late fee fine.
  • Fee is payable on a monthly basis on the above mentioned dates for a period of 10 months. No fee is charged during the summer holiday months of July and August.
  • Your child’s progress will be closely monitored in the class. However, as parents you are to ensure that your child studies daily at home and does homework regularly.
  • In case your child does not make progress, warning letters will be issued. If after repeated warnings no progress is shown and the child fails in the final examinations, he/she will be asked to leave the school.
  • The intended withdrawal of a pupil should be notified in writing one month in advance, or on lieu thereof one month’s fee will be charged.
  • No Leaving/Transfer certificate will be granted until the fee and other dues have been paid.
  • Parents-Teachers meeting will be held on specified days for which you will be informed in advance.
  • Please ensure attendance as this will provide you an opportunity to discuss your child’s performance in the class. Parents can also meet the teacher on first and last Friday of the month, between 8 am and 9 am. to check the progress.
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